«DrumPower» for Munich Schools

Since May 2020, the Freie Musikzentrum München, sponsored by the City of Munich, has been offering the music-therapeutic violence prevention project DrumPower – against violence, for violence prevention, social integration and personal development with music at Munich schools and for German classes. This enables us, who have been proven project method "TrommelPower" for years, to offer targeted and regular use at all Munich schools and thus expand the cultural offer of the city.

In the future, we will carry out DrumPower projects at Munich primary, middle and support schools and German classes and support the organization of initiatives based on this and additional DrumPower projects in the Munich area with our continuous work.

If you would like to apply for a project together with your class as a teacher or class of a school of the city of Munich, in particular primary, support, middle school or German class, or if you have any questions about projects, please contact us. Other schools. Outside the city limits of Munich, we are happy to help you find a DrumPower trainer.

TrommelPower gegen Gewalt | Freies Musikzentrum e.V. München | München-Projekt

left to right: Stefan Maier, Nelli Cardenas, Dr. Andreas Wölfl


Nelli Cardenas
Musiktherapeutin M.A.
Dipl. Konzertsängerin

Stefan Maier
Musiktherapeut DMtG

Freies Musikzentrum Munich
DrumlPower Munich
Tel 089 - 41 42 47 - 59 (AB)
Fax 089 - 41 42 47 - 60

Brochure «DrumPower» for Munich Schools
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TrommelPower gegen Gewalt | Freies Musikzentrum e.V. München | München-Projekt

for Munich Schools

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für Schulen der Stadt Münchene«

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